Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Prophet Muhammad’s Zuhd

Prophet Muhammad’s Zuhd

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       Zuhd is an often misunderstood term, most probably because, among certain people - namely, certain followers of Sufi orders -.it is taken to an extreme; or, it is understood only on a superficial level. In the Arabic language, a Zahid - one who practices Zuhd - is someone who is abstemious, austere, and self-denying in his lifestyle. As an Islamic term, a Zahid is someone who abjures worldly pleasures and comforts for the sake of Allah, and because, through leading a self-denying existence in this life, he hopes to enjoy a comfortable and pleasure-filled life in the Hereafter.

       Suffice it to say, the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) was the Imam (leader) of all Zahids. His Zuhd was based on his certain knowledge that this world is a fleeting abode: Its pleasures are few, limited, and temporary; and life passes by so quickly that all people who live to be old agree that their lives went by quickly, that it seemed only yesterday that they were children. Such a life, therefore, cannot be compared to the everlasting life of the Hereafter.

       The Prophet Muhammad (w.a.s) kept his sight focused on the Hereafter, being very cognizant of what Allah  has prepared for His believing slaves in terms of rewards, comfort, pleasures, and eternal bliss. As such, he refused to take from this world anything that was above and beyond his basic needs. He understood that, the more one possesses in this life, the more attached one becomes to this world.

       The Prophet Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) was a Zahid not by force of circumstances, but by choice. As the leader of a Nation, but moreover as a favored and beloved Prophet of Allah, he could have had mountains of gold and silver; he could have led a luxurious and comfortable lifestyle: He only had to ask Allah, and he would have been given great wealth. But he preferred to follow the way of Zuhd, to save his share of good things for the Hereafter. As a result of that choice, he spent many nights of his life hungry; at times, at least a month would pass by without a cooking fire being ignited in his house. During such periods of hardships, he would either go hungry for days, or he and his family would survive on water and dates. As one of his wives stated, it never occurred that he ate a satisfying amount of barley bread. for three consecutive nights. He would. sleep not on a real mattress, but on a makeshift bed that was made of straw, one that would leave marks on the side of his body, On various occasions of his life, he would stave off the pangs of hunger by tying a rock around his stomach. His Companions (may Allah be pleased with them all), who themselves suffered frequently from want, were often saddened to see the signs of hunger on the Prophet’s face.

      As for the Prophet’s house, it was made neither of bricks nor cement nor any other strong, resistant, and long-lasting material; it was, on the contrary, made of simple clay. It was small, and its roof was low. And rather than depend on the help of his Companions, the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) once left his armor as collateral with a Jew, so that he could borrow from him thirty Sas of dates (a single Sa is equal to four handfuls of something). His clothing was simple and plain, and never once did he sit at a dining table to eat. He underwent such hardships in order to discipline his soul, to preserve his Faith, and to be deserving of the promise that Allah made to him:

 (And verily, your Lord will give you [all], i.e., good] so that you shall be well-pleased.) (Qur’an 93: 5)

       Upon receiving wealth (such as certain kinds of war booty), the Prophet Muhammad  (s.a.w) would distribute it among the people, without keeping a single dirham for himself. If he hoped that certain people would embrace Islam, he would, in order to encourage them, give them all of the camels, cows, and sheep he had in his possession. And he would then walk away without keeping a single camel, cow, or sheep for himself. He once said: “If I had wealth that was equal in quantity to the trees of Tihamah (i.e., a very large sum of wealth), I would have distributed it, and you would not have found me to be a miser, a liar, or a coward (regarding the manner in which I would liberally give away all of that wealth).”

       In the way he (s.a.w) turned away from this world, without rejoicing in its treasures or enjoying its pleasures; and in the way he focused on the Hereafter, performing deeds purely for the sake of Allah - the Prophet Muhammad  (s.a.w) became the ideal role model for all Zahids, and, more generally, for all Muslims. Even though he had the wealth of a Nation at his disposal, and even though his Companions would have given. him all of their wealth if he had only asked, he built no castle, and saved no money, When he died, he left hardly any material possessions behind. And whatever he did leave behind was earmarked for charity, for he said: “We (we group of Prophets) are not inherited from; whatever we leave behind is charity?”
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     I do not say for nothing that the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) could have been rich if he only wanted to be, for Allah did in fact give him a choice between being a king/Messenger and a slave (of Allah)/ Messenger. The Prophet Muhammad  (s.a.w) chose the latter option, and so he ate his fill one day, and he went hungry the very next day, a process that more or less continued until he met his Lord.

       Since the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) cared so little about this world, he did not ever think twice about giving away his wealth to others, which was another reason why he was so generous. He never said 'no' to someone who asked him for help, and he never disappointed the hopes of someone who expected something from him. He (s.a.w) said: “If, for Allah, this world was worth even the wing of a mosquito, He would not have given a disbeliever in it even a mouthful of water.” According to another narration, he said, “Live in this world as if you are a stranger or a traveller who is only passing through (one place on his way to a distant destination).”

      It is related that he said: “Seek little from this world, and Allah will love you; refrain from taking what people have (with them), and people will love you.” He (s.a.w) also said: “What do I have to do with this world! Verily, the example of me vis-a-vis this world is nothing more than the example of a man who takes a noon-time nap underneath the shade of a tree, and who then gets up and leaves it.”

      The Prophet Muhammad  (s.a.w) also said: “The world is cursed, and everything in it is cursed - except for the remembrance of Allah, for good deeds that Allah loves, for a scholar, or for a student. ” And according to yet another hadith, he (s.a.w) said: “All that. you have from your wealth is what you eat and thus cause to be used up; what you wear and thus cause to be worn out; and what you give in charity and thus cause to remain (for your benefit).” 

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